On Wed, Jul 27, 2005 at 11:00:14AM +0200, Peter Schulz-Kraus wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm still using Squid 2.5 Stable3 under Fedora Core 1.
> (I will change it in about three months ;-)
> I'm using the LDAP_AUTH helper, but after each html-
> element (eg after each picture), I have to reauthenticate
> in my Browser. (IE6, Mozilla Firefox)
> Now I want to know, if I made a mistake in Squid.Conf
> or if it's a known bug of Stable 3.
> Here is the ACL- Part of squid.conf:
> (I hope, it's not too much)
> cache_peer cache001.xxx.de parent 8080 0 no-query login=PASS
Are you sure this peer isn't the culprit here, since you're forwarding
the proxy authentication credentials? (do you need to do that?)

- Joshua.

Joshua Goodall                           "as modern as tomorrow afternoon"
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                       - FW109

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