On 06.10 19:04, Axel Böhme wrote:
> my squid machine (debian 3.1/squid 2.5) is not using the whole cache. 
> Only about 10% of the Cache Size is in use. Does anyone got a hint for me?

Do you mean that only 10% of disk space is used on the partition you have
cache_dir on?

> httpd_accel_host virtual

do you use it as proxy for outgoing requests, reverse proxy for incoming
requests or both. If only the second, how much of data there are on backend

> cache_peer parent 8080 0 no-query no-delay proxy-only default

what do you mean with this setup?

> cache_dir ufs /cache 50000 100 256

this means your squid should use max 50GB... how big the disk is?

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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