Ibrahim Calisir schrieb:


I am not very good in squid. I configured squid-2.5.STABLE11 with LDAP
and SSL enabled. Connecitons to https port had "page cannot be
displayed" error message in IE6, however connections to http port had no
problem and asks username and password. I did not understad why https
port connections give such error.

not: configuration string:
./configure --enable-ssl --with-openssl
--enable-digest-auth-helpers=password --enable-basic-auth-helpers=LDAP

The error message from IE 6 does not really help. You will have to find out why you get the error. How are your acl ant http_access configuration lines ? Can you browse https sites from the proxy machine itself without using a proxy, i.e. are you sure your firewall permits https connections out ?

Jakob Curdes

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