
        thanks very much for the response.

Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
o FTP server issues:

 125 Data connection already open; transfer starting.

Not OK. This should have been a

   150 File status okay; about to open data connection.

125 is a very special case, only used if a prior file transfer failed leaving an already established data transfer unused.

What kind of FTP server is this?
Not 100% sure although I'm trying to find out.  The system command yields:

ftp> system
215 UNIX Type: L8 Version: SnapOS.

I've just tried this from a Windows XP box I had lying around that had Ethereal on it and the FTP server also gives out a 125 response for the NLST command.

Many thanks in advance,


Neil Hillard                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Westland Helicopters Ltd.       http://www.whl.co.uk/

Disclaimer: This message does not necessarily reflect the
            views of Westland Helicopters Ltd.

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