On 03.11 12:10, Balzi Andrea wrote:
> We have a problem with Squid, every 2/3 days we are forced to restart
> the demon. 
> Strangely the daemon begins to answer slowly to the demands for
> navigation until arriving has timeout.
> The demon works regularly, but then during the day it begins to answer
> slowly until not giving back no page giving back a Time-out message.
> We kill the daemon and restart squid with -D option and works fine for
> other 2 days.

Aren't you running out of memory?
What does cache log say?
which squid version do you run?

> I've seen that the squid fail to resolve the addresses by internal DNS
> definition.
> I've tried to use the resolv.conf or change DNS servers, but it has not
> resolved the problem.

> 1 CPU P4 2.8GHz
> 80GB Sata

> cache_mem 128 MB
> high_memory_warning 256 MB
> cache_dir ufs /var/spool/squid 10240 16 256

These options shouldn't cause squid to eas all 1GB of memory, but you should
even check for this.
Matus UHLAR - fantomas, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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