I'm still having this problem and hope that someone might be able to point
me in the right direction, below I have included more details:

using squid_ldap_auth from command line to query 2003 DC:

$ sudo /usr/local/squid/libexec/squid_ldap_auth -b "dc=mydomain,dc=net" -h
192.168.x.y -p 389 -D
"cn=Squid,ou=IT,ou=Users,ou=site1,ou=subcompany,dc=mydomain,dc=net" -w
password -f "sAMAccountName=%s" -d
user.name password
user filter 'sAMAccountName=user.name', searchbase 'dc=mydomain,dc=net'
squid_ldap_auth: WARNING, LDAP search error 'Operations error'
ERR Success
$ sudo /usr/local/squid/libexec/squid_ldap_auth -b
"ou=subcompany,dc=mydomain,dc=net" -h 192.168.x.y -p 389 -D
"cn=Squid,ou=IT,ou=Users,ou=site,ou=subcompany,dc=mydomain,dc=net" -w
password -f "sAMAccountName=%s" -d
user.name password
user filter 'sAMAccountName=user.name', searchbase
attempting to authenticate user
You can see above that I get "ERR Success" if I use the base of the domain
for the base dn but it works fine if I specify an OU.  If I do these
queries on a Windows 2000 DC both are successful.  I have tested
squid_ldap_group and it behaves exactly the same.  Any help is greatly


----- Forwarded by Colin Farley/COMPUBank on 11/15/2005 11:10 AM -----
             Colin Farley                                                  
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             
             recenters.com>                                             To 
                                       Derrick MacPherson                  
             11/10/2005 02:32          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,         
             PM                        squid-users@squid-cache.org         
                                       Re: [squid-users]  Re:              
                                       squid_ldap_auth and Windows 2003 AD 

Yes, I can in some cases.  If I am querying windows 2003 DC and the base DN
is the base of the domain ("dn=domain,dn=lan") then I get the following:

squid_ldap_auth: WARNING, LDAP search error 'Operations error'
ERR Success

But if I specify an ou ("ou=site1,dn=domain,dn=lan") then it works
correctly.  If I query a Windows 2000 DC the it works either way.


Hi Colin, I had a tough time with getting the syntax, can you do command
line lookups using squid_ldap_auth ?

On Thu, 2005-11-10 at 11:29 -0600, Colin Farley wrote:
> Yes, I have. The searches are being performed by an authenticated user.
> Thanks,
> Colin
>              Adam Aube
>              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>              u>
>              Sent by: news             squid-users@squid-cache.org
>              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>              rg>
>                                        [squid-users]  Re: squid_ldap_auth
>              11/10/2005 08:51          and Windows 2003 AD
>              AM
> Colin Farley wrote:
> > We have a few production squid proxy servers running various STABLE
> > versions of squid 2.5 and are encountering some issues as we upgrade
> > Domain controllers from windows 2000 to windows 2003.  The proxy
> > query the LDAP directory for user access control.
> > Ideally, we would like all proxy servers to use a base dn that allows
> them
> > to search the entire domain ("dn=domain,dn=lan"), when querying Windows
> > 2000 domain controllers this works perfectly.  However, when we point
> > these proxy servers to Windows 2003 domain controllers for LDAP queries
> > squid_ldap_auth fails.
> > I have found that if I specify an ou for the base dn it works fine
> > ("ou=site1,dn=domain,dn=lan").  So, it seems that Windows 2003 domain
> > controllers have added security that stops searches beginning from the
> > base of the domain and searches must start within an ou.
> Have you configured squid_ldap_auth to bind using a user account?
> Adam

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