Brent Clark wrote:

I basically deny the client used.

## Stop multimedia downloads ##
acl useragent browser -i ^.*NSPlayer.*
acl useragent browser -i ^.*player.*
acl useragent browser -i ^.*Windows-Media-Player.*
acl useragentq rep_mime_type ^.*video.*
acl useragentq rep_mime_type ^.*audio.*
http_access deny useragent
http_access deny useragentq

Sorry for bothering again, but:
does this setup work for you? I mean, I have similar ACLs (not the ones with the "browser" tough) and I use http_reply_access for rep_mime_type ACLs.


# ACL List

acl streaming rep_mime_type ^video/x-ms-asf ^video/x-ms-sf ^audio/mpeg ^audio/x-mpeg ^audio/x-pn-realaudio ^application/x-mms-
framed ^application/        # MIME per streaming content
acl block_stream urlpath_regex \.(ra?m|mpe?g?|mov|m3u|pls|ivf|asf|asx|avi|wax|wma|wmv|wvx|wmp|wmx|m1v|mp2|mp3|mpa|mpe|mpv2)($|
\?) # estensioni file per blocco streaming

# Consenti accesso a cachemgr anche da se stesso
http_access deny manager !localhost !apache

# Only allow purge requests from localhost
http_access deny purge !localhost

# Deny requests to unknown ports
http_access deny !Safe_ports

# Deny CONNECT to other than SSL ports
http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports

acl our_networks src acl our_networks src # RUPAR dial-in

http_access allow CED UtentiAutorizzati
http_access allow our_networks
http_access allow localhost

http_reply_access deny block_stream
http_reply_access deny streaming

# And finally deny all other access to this proxy
http_access deny all

http_reply_access allow all

Do you see some errors in what I've configured here? If not, I would then go further and set up browser (useragent) ACLs and place them in the right sequence.

Boniforti Flavio
Provincia del Verbano-Cusio-Ossola
Ufficio Informatica

Tecnoparco del Lago Maggiore
Via dell'Industria, 25
28924 Verbania

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