
I found these config lines in a site
(http://www.linux.com/howtos/Bandwidth-Limiting-HOWTO/install.shtml) wich
are a good approach for security matters...
As you can see, the comments already tell what they are supposed to do...

#all our LAN users will be seen by external web servers
#as if they all used Mozilla on Linux. :)
anonymize_headers deny User-Agent
fake_user_agent Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.6+)

I got this problem when i added these two lines to my squid.conf:

parseConfigFile: line 16 unrecognized 'anonymize_headers deny User-Agent'
parseConfigFile: line 17 unrecognized 'fake_user_agent Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U;
Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.6+) Gecko/20011122'

The first thing I looked that could be a problem is that there is no acl
reffering to "User-Agent" and looks like the "anonymize_headers deny
User-Agent" works this way. But in the configuration file on the site I
didn't find any acl regarding "User-Agent" either.

Thanks a lot.

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