Hi All,

I have a question regarding a Squid-Cache acting both as proxy and as

I have set up my Squid-Cache and it works well, with a simple redirector I
wrote. I have a router that takes all HTTP traffic and forwards it to my
squid, for all types of request (proxy and non-proxy).
My redirector checks if the requested URL is allowed. If not it requests a
302 redirection to a Web server. Up to this point, nothing is difficult.

In the case of users using a Web Proxy, my web server receives their request
through Squid. The web server runs a web application that needs the true IP
address of the user. I think that I can get it from the "X-Forwarded-For"
HTTP header, that is set by Squid-Cache.
But my web application also needs the original source port of the request,
from the user PC. Let me explain what happens, and what I need:

A user PC (ORIG_IP) sends a HTTP request to my web application from its
browser. Browser is set to use a proxy (say it's set to
The request is sent from TCP port ORIG_PORT from the PC.
My main router intercepts the user's traffic and forwards it to Squid-Cache

>From network point of view, Squid-Cache sees a HTTP request from
>From network point of view, the user's PC sees a HTTP request gtom

Squid-Cache which proxies the request to my Web Application. Squid adds
"X-Forwarded-For=IP_ORIG" in the HTTP request. As I tell above, my web
application needs to know the value of ORIG_PORT.

So my question is: does anyone know how I can ask squid to provide it to my
webapp? in another HTTP header? With "X-Forwarded-For=ORIG_IP:ORIG_PORT"?

I am sorry if it is a bit long, but I not very good at sumarizing.

Thank you in advance.

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