> Now, after some Googling, I see that this problem (or at least similar
> problems) can be caused by a firewall on the loopback interface. Do you
> think this is the cause of my problem? (I posted my Iptables output in
> an earlier post).
> However, as a test, I temporarily disabled the firewall and
> unfortunately still got the same problem.

That may not be enough in a context where the Firewalling software was
started and then stopped. Residual rules and or states may still affect the
loopback interface.

Can you, for instance, 'ping localhost' with success ?

> That is the firewall on this
> FC4 machine... I am connected to the Internet via a wireless connection
> which has its own firewall - but surely that should not affect this (or
> should it?)
> What should my next step be?

  Set the firewalling functions off , wherever this needs to be done,
  and *restart* the system.
  Check whether you can ping the localhost (itself).


> Dying of frustration here.....
> Many thanks for your patience...
> Mark

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