On Thu, 2006-02-16 at 14:38 -0600, Hesham Shakil wrote:
> > On Thu, 2006-02-16 at 12:14 -0600, Hesham Shakil wrote:
> > > Downloading files via squid (on Linux ONLY.. read below) is slower than
> > > without squid. The normal download speed bypassing squid is 28+KB/s while
> > > through squid it reduces to 16-17KB/s. Browsing seems fine, and the
> > > internet bandwidth tests also give 28+KB/s when run through squid, so the
> > > problems seems only with files 1MB+ in size.
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > You said that the download is faster without Squid.
> > Is that on the same box? So are you downloading from the Squid box?
> >
> Downloads on the Squid box itself or on other machines on the network are
> all slow when connecting through squid proxy.

So: You 're downloading on the Squid box, without using the Squid
proxy ..and that's also slow? Correct?

If that's the case, it has nothing to do with Squid but with the box
itself. (Network cable, Duplex settings)


Schelstraete Bart 
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