lör 2006-04-01 klockan 11:21 -0800 skrev Discussion Lists:

> I set up a reverse proxy using squid 3.0.  It works fine actually, but I
> wanted to run the config by you all to be sure I wasn't missing anything
> important.  In particular, I am worried about commenting out the
> http_access deny all.  I added an "allow all" setting, but I was
> wondering if there was a better way, and also if I am doing the below
> stuff correctly as well.  Here's my setup:
> always_direct allow all

Don't do this in squid-3 accelerators. Instead use the cache_peer
directive to tell Squid-3 where the origin server is. This gives you
much better control over how Squid routes the requests.

Note: The reason why Squid-3 does not allow direct by default on
accelerated content is the security concerns raised earlier. By default
requiring the use of a configured peer for accelerated content the risk
that the accelerator becomes an open proxy by simple access control
error (i.e. allow all) is minimized.


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