ons 2006-04-12 klockan 23:36 -0700 skrev nonama:
> Hi, 
> I did some testing on the cache, with the config
> below. So I'm expecting when it reached 89% of cache
> usage, which is about 2581000kb , the old data will be
> replaced. How can I see that happening?

store.log is a good place to monitor the events in the cache. When full
you will see quite many RELEASE events.

Graphing the cache size with mrtg/rrdtool or similar is also a good view
on this.

> because at
> the moment the cache used size is still increasing.
> and I also experienced slowness during surfing.

Provided there isn't a memory shortage Squid is not slowed down by a
larger cache.

Squid memory usage and its relations to cache size is well explained in
the FAQ.


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