ons 2006-04-19 klockan 14:18 -0300 skrev Rodrigo Barros:
> The web site is www.equifax.com.br , but the problem only happens after
> I authenticate in the site and try to access an specific url
> (https://novoequifaxpessoal.equifax.com.br/PessoalPlusWeb/login.jsp).

> 1145466465.724   6200 XX.XXX.XX.XX TCP_MISS/200 4441 CONNECT
> novoequifaxpessoal.equifax.com.br:443 XXX\barrosr DIRECT/
> -
> 1145466465.999    215 XX.XXX.XX.XX TCP_MISS/200 3576 CONNECT
> novoequifaxpessoal.equifax.com.br:443 XXX\barrosr DIRECT/
> -
> 1145466466.316    202 XX.XXX.XX.XX TCP_MISS/200 3587 CONNECT
> novoequifaxpessoal.equifax.com.br:443 XXX\barrosr DIRECT/
> -
> 1145466526.011  59676 XX.XXX.XX.XX TCP_MISS/503 0 CONNECT
> novoequifaxpessoal.equifax.com.br:443 XXX\barrosr DIRECT/
> -
> After the last TCP_MISS/503 I got the (60) timeout message.

Very odd, but it looks like the site blacklisted you for some reason, no
longer accepting connections from your proxy.


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