> tis 2006-05-16 klockan 13:06 +0300 skrev Edvard Chitro:
>> Top shows squid is only using 50-60 Mb ...
>> And if I shut down squid only 60 Mb gets freed ...
> What I have been saying all the time. The problem is not Squid, the
> problem is elsewhere.

But how can I find the problem.... maybe it is reiserfs eats all the
memory somehow.
Because if I not start Squid memory is free and uptime above 130 days ...
But with squid it is max 30-50 days .. depends on the load ... so maybe
filesystem has some bugs... I have changes 3 kernels ... 2.4.27, 2.4.28,
2.4.31 and the same problem exist.... I have changed dist from Woody to
Sarge and nothing helps....

> Your Squid is using 60-70 MB.
> This server should run fine with as little as 256 MB, possibly even 128
> if you slim down the OS..
> But you can not look at the raw free value. It doesn't make sense. What
> you need to keep track of is the adjusted free value (second line of
> numbers) where the the value has been adjusted with buffer & cache.
> Linux memory is in one of four different states
> a) Completely free (raw free value). Available for immediate use by the
> kernel with no questions asked. This should be quite stable around 5MB
> when the system is working.
> b) Buffer / Cache. Used by the kernel to speed things up. Released on
> demand if there is need for more memory.
> c) Application memory. Used by running processes. top & ps gives some
> info on how much memory different applications are using, but not always
> correct (the reported number can be much higher for some applications
> than the actual usage due to shared memory and a few other things
> complicating matters.. but for Squid it's quite accurate)

Top and PS gives me nothing ... according to them my box only consumes
only ~ 100 MB ...

top - 09:32:32 up 1 day, 23:29,  1 user,  load average: 0.02, 0.03, 0.00
Tasks:  44 total,   1 running,  43 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s):   0.6% user,   3.4% system,   0.0% nice,  96.0% idle
Mem:    516312k total,   511248k used,     5064k free,    38520k buffers
Swap:   248968k total,        0k used,   248968k free,    52368k cached

23131 root      17   0   52 1000  1052    0 1052  848 R  0.8  0.2   0:00 top
19846 xxxx     11   0 1044 5544  6616    4 6612 1692 S  0.4  1.3   3:15
/usr/bind-9.x.x/sbin//named -u xxxx
    1 root       8   0   32  468   500    0  500  448 S  0.0  0.1   0:00
init [2]
    2 root       9   0    0    0     0    0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00
    3 root      19  19    0    0     0    0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:10
    4 root       9   0    0    0     0    0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:01
    5 root       9   0    0    0     0    0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00
    6 root       9   0    0    0     0    0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:05
    7 root       9   0    0    0     0    0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00
    8 root       9   0    0    0     0    0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00
    9 root       9   0    0    0     0    0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00
 4767 root       9   0   32  572   604    0  604  492 S  0.0  0.1   0:01
22120 root       9   0   24 1100  1128    4 1124  456 S  0.0  0.2   0:00
 9434 xxxx      9   0 1044 5544  6616    4 6612 1692 S  0.0  1.3   0:00
/usr/bind-9.x.x/sbin//named -u xxxx
22474 xxxx      9   0 1044 5544  6616    4 6612 1692 S  0.0  1.3   0:00
/usr/bind-9.x.x/sbin//named -u xxxx
23459 xxxx      9   0 1044 5544  6616    4 6612 1692 S  0.0  1.3   0:04
/usr/bind-9.x.x/sbin//named -u xxxx
25150 xxxx      9   0 1044 5544  6616    4 6612 1692 S  0.0  1.3   0:27
/usr/bind-9.x.x/sbin//named -u xxxx
25350 snmpd      9   0   32 2304  2340    4 2336 1572 S  0.0  0.5   0:10
/usr/snmp/sbin/snmpd -C -c /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf -Lf
29048 root       9   0  148 1400  1552    4 1548 1400 S  0.0  0.3   0:00
 8946 yyyy      9   0   20  680   700    0  700  584 S  0.0  0.1   0:00
/usr/ulogd-1.22/sbin/ulogd -d -u yyyy
22443 root       9   0   20 1672  1696    4 1692 1288 S  0.0  0.3   0:01
/usr/snmp/sbin/snmptrapd -c /etc/snmp/snmptrapd.conf -On -Lf
30509 root       8   0   32  780   812    0  812  672 S  0.0  0.2   0:00
18307 zzzz    8   0   44  600   644    0  644  568 S  0.0  0.1   0:00
/usr/oidend-2.0.7-1/sbin/oidentd -m -q --reply user -u zzzz
16902 root       9   0   16  456   472    0  472  420 S  0.0  0.1   0:00
/sbin/getty 38400 tty2
11939 root       9   0   16  456   472    0  472  420 S  0.0  0.1   0:00
/sbin/getty 38400 tty3
 4070 root       9   0   16  456   472    0  472  420 S  0.0  0.1   0:00
/sbin/getty 38400 tty1
17386 root       9   0  248  912  1168    8 1160  960 S  0.0  0.2   0:00
31627 squid     12   0  608  56m 58156   32  56m 1472 S  0.0 11.3  39:15
 2352 squid      9   0    8  272   284    4  280  240 S  0.0  0.1   0:00
17672 squid      9   0  608  56m 58156   32  56m 1472 S  0.0 11.3   0:00
 1721 squid      9   0  608  56m 58156   32  56m 1472 S  0.0 11.3   0:05
10627 squid      9   0  608  56m 58156   32  56m 1472 S  0.0 11.3   0:05
32141 squid      9   0  608  56m 58156   32  56m 1472 S  0.0 11.3   0:05
15300 squid      9   0  608  56m 58156   32  56m 1472 S  0.0 11.3   0:05
29018 squid      9   0  608  56m 58156   32  56m 1472 S  0.0 11.3   0:05
 5266 squid      9   0  608  56m 58156   32  56m 1472 S  0.0 11.3   0:05
 7231 squid      9   0  608  56m 58156   32  56m 1472 S  0.0 11.3   0:05
20412 squid      9   0  608  56m 58156   32  56m 1472 S  0.0 11.3   0:05
17492 squid      9   0  608  56m 58156   32  56m 1472 S  0.0 11.3   0:05
23770 squid      9   0  608  56m 58156   32  56m 1472 S  0.0 11.3   0:05
20070 root       9   0  240 1752  2000    8 1992 1824 S  0.0  0.4   0:00
sshd: aaaa [priv]
20660 aaaa      9   0  272 1824  2104    8 2096 1880 S  0.0  0.4   0:00
  595 aaaa      9   0  480  956  1436    0 1436 1132 S  0.0  0.3   0:00 -bash
 8630 root       9   0  520  984  1504    0 1504 1180 S  0.0  0.3   0:00 -su

> d) Kernel memory. Used by different components in the
> kernel. /proc/slabinfo gives some info on this usage.

gw:~# cat /proc/slabinfo
slabinfo - version: 1.1
kmem_cache            56     68    112    2    2    1
ip_conntrack        2637   5496    320  453  458    1
ip_fib_hash          357    448     32    4    4    1
tcp_tw_bucket          9    270    128    1    9    1
tcp_bind_bucket       12    336     32    3    3    1
tcp_open_request       0     59     64    0    1    1
inet_peer_cache    33930  33984     64  576  576    1
ip_dst_cache        3438   3440    192  172  172    1
arp_cache            480    510    128   17   17    1
blkdev_requests     2048   2070    128   69   69    1
dnotify_cache          0      0     20    0    0    1
file_lock_cache        1     40     96    1    1    1
fasync_cache           0      0     16    0    0    1
uid_cache             10    112     32    1    1    1
skbuff_head_cache   1333   1560    192   78   78    1
sock                  46     68    960   14   17    1
sigqueue               0     29    132    0    1    1
kiobuf                 0      0     64    0    0    1
cdev_cache           955   1003     64   17   17    1
bdev_cache             5     59     64    1    1    1
mnt_cache             14     59     64    1    1    1
inode_cache       451649 451892    512 64554 64556    1
dentry_cache      505383 505410    128 16847 16847    1
filp                 588    600    128   20   20    1
names_cache            0      2   4096    0    2    1
buffer_head        21673  36090    128 1199 1203    1
mm_struct             21     40    192    2    2    1
vm_area_struct       557    630    128   19   21    1
fs_cache              20     59     64    1    1    1
files_cache           21     27    448    3    3    1
signal_act            25     30   1344    9   10    1
size-131072(DMA)       0      0 131072    0    0   32
size-131072            0      0 131072    0    0   32
size-65536(DMA)        0      0  65536    0    0   16
size-65536             0      0  65536    0    0   16
size-32768(DMA)        0      0  32768    0    0    8
size-32768             0      0  32768    0    0    8
size-16384(DMA)        0      0  16384    0    0    4
size-16384             1      1  16384    1    1    4
size-8192(DMA)         0      0   8192    0    0    2
size-8192            768    768   8192  768  768    2
size-4096(DMA)         0      0   4096    0    0    1
size-4096             67     67   4096   67   67    1
size-2048(DMA)         0      0   2048    0    0    1
size-2048           1344   1442   2048  675  721    1
size-1024(DMA)         0      0   1024    0    0    1
size-1024             44     48   1024   12   12    1
size-512(DMA)          0      0    512    0    0    1
size-512             855    856    512  107  107    1
size-256(DMA)          0      0    256    0    0    1
size-256              19     30    256    2    2    1
size-128(DMA)          0      0    128    0    0    1
size-128             612    630    128   21   21    1
size-64(DMA)           0      0     64    0    0    1
size-64             2201   2419     64   41   41    1
size-32(DMA)           0      0     64    0    0    1
size-32            15232  15399     64  259  261    1

> Regards
> Henrik


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