ons 2006-06-07 klockan 16:18 +0200 skrev Hement Gopal:

> No hits on access.log.

Try "half_closed_clients off". If you still don't get any entries in
cache.log then your client is not even sending the request to Squid..

You could also try using squidclient from the shell..

  squidclient ftp://ftp.squid-cache.org/

(Squid access controls may need to be adjusted to allow localhost to

> What I have noticed is that if I try from my
> proxy's shell CLI, it takes ages...but eventually the ftp password does
> come up.

Ok. so most likely it's the same for Squid, and what is happening is
that it simply takes too long time.

Most likely a firewall issue of some kind.


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