ons 2006-06-21 klockan 15:38 -0700 skrev Bryan Richter:

> We just recently decided to use Squid to accelerate virtual servers hosted
> on multiple real servers. Since it sounds like version 2.6 has made
> improvements regarding acceleration, I downloaded and installed it and I've
> been trying to make it work. 

Have you read the release notes?
> I was able to accelerate a single host using 2.5 (which came with Debian
> stable, the OS running the machine I've put Squid on). But I can't seem to
> replicate my success with 2.6. 

It's even simpler in 2.6..

> The simplest test case I could think of is accelerating a single virtual
> server. To do that, I tried this config (diffed against config.default and
> anonymized):
>     66c66
>     < http_port 3128
>     ---
>     > #http_port 3128
>     156a157,160
>     > https_port \
>     >     cert=/etc/ssl/certs/cert.pem \
>     >     key=/etc/ssl/private/key.pem \
>     >     defaultsite=accelerated.host protocol=http
>     1366a1371
>     > url_rewrite_program /tmp/squid-rewriter.sh

Don't use a url_rewrite_program unless you absolutely need to. I.e. only
if you need to rewrite the file portion of the URL, not the hostname or

> In this configuration, Squid segfaults on the first request. Here is the bt
> (anonymized):

Ouch.. it should not segfault.. please file a bug report on this.


Is your site trying to use Microsoft integrated authentication? If so
you might want to try the nightly snapshot..


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