ons 2006-07-12 klockan 15:22 +0100 skrev Brian Gregory:

> Squid is set up to run 5 squidGuard processes. When we boot Suse it 
> takes 15-20 minutes with lots of disk thrashing for the 5 squidGuards to 
> read in the blacklists and build their tables.

This will be much faster if you let squidGuard build it's lookup db.

> Much of the time it works fine but every now and then for no obvious 
> reason, squid decides it needs to start more squidGuard processes which 
> effectively cuts off all web access.

helper processes are restarted

  when "squid -k rotate" is run
  when "squid -k reconfigure" is run
  when more than 50% of the helpers have crashed
  if Squid crashes or is restarted

>  I'm not sure exactly what happens, 

See cache.log for information on why the helpers was restarted.


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