Sorry, this is my message log  (I was turn-off syslog before)

Jul 24 15:38:32 tproxy (squid): xstrdup: tried to dup a NULL pointer!
Jul 24 15:38:33 tproxy squid[2049]: Squid Parent: child process 2051 exited due to signal 6

I though it was a bug-listed in Squid-2.6.PRE1 ?

Which patch should I added ? I'm on 2.6.stable1, wccpv2+cttproxy

----- Original Message ----- From: tino
To: squid-users@squid-cache.org
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2006 2:29 PM
Subject: strange squid 2.6S1 behavior


I notice something strange, suddenly cache hit become zero for a couple of second & then ok again

Cache information for squid:
Request Hit Ratios: 5min: 0.0%, 60min: 0.0%
Byte Hit Ratios: 5min: -0.0%, 60min: -0.0%
Request Memory Hit Ratios: 5min: 0.0%, 60min: 0.0%
Request Disk Hit Ratios: 5min: 0.0%, 60min: 0.0%

I was use wccpv2
When this happend, wccp still up & redirecting packets , access.log still active writing clients response.
NO error in /var/log/message or cache.log

Anyone experience the same problem ?


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