Rikunj wrote:
Yes, it is.
url_regex*: URL regular expression pattern matching


I don't think I'm going to get this just by looking at the documentation. I only understand technical things when I begin to see what was going on in the mind of the person who designed it. Here all the documentation seems to assume you already understand most of the concepts.

I'm using squid 2.5.STABLE10 and squidguard 1.2.0 on SuSE 10.0.

At present out squidguard.conf looks like this:

--------------BEGIN squidguard.conf---------------------
logdir /var/log/squidGuard
dbhome /var/lib/squidGuard/db/blacklists

dest prospect-goodstuff {
        domainlist      prospect-goodstuff/domains
        urllist         prospect-goodstuff/urls
        expressionlist  prospect-goodstuff/expressions

dest prospect-badstuff {
        domainlist      prospect-badstuff/domains
        urllist         prospect-badstuff/urls
        expressionlist  prospect-badstuff/expressions

dest adult {
        domainlist      adult/domains
        urllist         adult/urls
        expressionlist  adult/expressions
        expressionlist  adult/very_restrictive_expression
dest agressif {
        domainlist      agressif/domains
        urllist         agressif/urls
        expressionlist  agressif/expressions
dest audio-video {
        domainlist      audio-video/domains
        urllist         audio-video/urls
        expressionlist  audio-video/expressions
dest dangerous_material {
        domainlist      dangerous_material/domains
        urllist         dangerous_material/urls
        expressionlist  dangerous_material/expressions
dest warez {
        domainlist      warez/domains
        urllist         warez/urls
        expressionlist  warez/expressions
acl {
        default {
pass prospect-goodstuff !prospect-badstuff !adult !agressif !audio-video !dangerous_material ... !warez all redirect http://localhost/cgi-bin/squidGuard?clientaddr=%a&clientname=%n&clientuser=%i&clientgroup=%s&url=%u

---------------END squidguard.conf----------------------

All the lists except the first two (names beginning prospect) are re-downloaded regularly by a cron job running as root which then does the following:


cd ~

chown -R squid:nogroup /var/lib/squidGuard/db

echo Compiling...

/usr/sbin/squidGuard -C all

chown -R squid:nogroup /var/lib/squidGuard/db

echo Reconfiguring...

/usr/sbin/squid -k reconfigure

chown -R squid:nogroup /var/lib/squidGuard/db

echo Done.


I have two problems at the moment.

1. Expressions I've added in .../prospect-badstuff/expressions appear to be totally ignored.

------------- BEGIN .../prospect-badstuff/expressions --------
-------------- END .../prospect-badstuff/expressions ---------

For example URLs with rude1 in them are not blocked.

2. I'm unsure what is supposed to go in the domains files such as .../prospect-goodstuff/domains. By trial and error I've found adding both domain.com and www.domain.com works well enough but I really want to match domain.com and anything.domain.com. I found some documentation that suggested I put .domain.com in the domains file but that doesn't appear to match anything at all.

3. Blocked squid attempts to redirect https: URLs to "http:443". Can I make an error message show instead?

Please help.


Brian Gregory.

Computer Room Volunteer.
Therapy Centre.
Prospect Park Hospital.

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