I am having a problem with the -U passwordattr option in squid_ldap_auth ("Squid LDAP authentication helper"). Here is what I am trying to do:

1) Bind to LDAP server with a hard-coded user/pass (i.e., using -D binddn -w password)
2) Look up a given user's record using a filter (i.e., -f filter)
3) authenticate the user with a password attribute specified by me (i.e., -U passwordattr)

Looking at /var/log/messages, LDAP tells me that:

a) binding as the hard-coded user is successful
b) searching for the given user's record is successful
c) performing the compare on the passwordattr of the given user is successful
d) then squid_ldap_auth tries to bind as the given user.
e) binding as the given user fails and squid_ldap_auth returns ERR

I do not understand why squid_ldap_auth is trying to bind as the given user. After step (c), shouldn't the process be complete? The compare is successful so shouldn't I get an OK?


PS - here is my command line where 'testuser' is the hard-coded user, and the passwordattr is 'OXGroupID'

squid_ldap_auth \
        -b "ou=Users,ou=OxObjects,dc=example,dc=com" \
        -f "(&(objectClass=*)(uid=%s))" \
        -d \
        -v 3 \
        -U OXGroupID \
        -D "uid=testuser,ou=Users,ou=OxObjects,dc=example,dc=com" \
        -w testpass \

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