fre 2006-08-04 klockan 09:29 -0700 skrev Arnold Wang:

> This reminds me the odd thing I ignored earlier which is I
> have to define the dummy IP of the router GRE interface as the
> wccp_router in the Squid for it to register with router properly.

What GRE interface on the router? Have you created a GRE tunnel from the
router to the cache? This should not be done. The router automatically
sets up the needed GRE stuff internally when the cache registers.

> I
> thought it was strange, however I chose to ignore it. I think that's the
> reason the control traffics go through the tunnel as well. 

Maybe. Not an IOS expert.

> That's what I'm afraid. Do you happen to know whether
> there's a way to verify the ip_gre module in my system supports WCCP, as
> it should be? I have a case opened already with Redhat as well. 

Get the source rpm, unpack the sources and look in net/ipv4/ip_gre.c


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