Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
> ons 2006-08-23 klockan 16:49 +0100 skrev Robin Bowes:
>> One other thing I'm not sure about is DNS resolution.
> Only DNS involved is the client browser making a DNS lookup to find the
> server IP. This should give the IP of your Squid (or load balancer
> infront).


> Works here without the internal DNS.
> Maybe you have something in http_access relying on DNS?


Thanks for the reply.

I think it was a misconfiguration on the load balancer that was causing
the problem.

I've yet to test extensively but it seems to be working OK now.

Just need to tighten up the acls...

I presume it's possible to configure squid to only respond to a specific
set of domains, e.g. cache.example.com and images.example.com ?


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