* On 31/08/06 10:13 -0300, Rafael Dewes wrote:
| Somebody has a list of blockade for porn sites and sharing, as torrent
| and others p2p? 

Here is how I do it....
1) Stick a line in /etc/crontab (chose a different time than mine)

13  */4   *    *   *   root  /scripts/malware_block_list.sh > /dev/null 2>&1

2) /scripts/malware_block_list.sh contains:


usr/local/bin/wget -O - 
http://malware.hiperlinks.com.br/cgi/submit?action=list_squid > \
/usr/local/sbin/squid -k reconfigure

<--cut here-->

In squid.conf, you need to use an ACL to block the sites:

acl malware_block_list url_regex -i \

http_access deny malware_block_list
deny_info http://malware.hiperlinks.com.br/denied.shtml malware_block_list

PS: The funny part of all this is that it's maintained in your country 



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