On 2006/09/20, at 2:14 PM, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:

But it's true that we probably could assume a HTTP/1.1 message is
persistent unless it has a connection: close tag as the close tag is
required by HTTP/1.1. But at the same time RFC 2616 says:

Clients and servers SHOULD NOT assume that a persistent connection is
   maintained for HTTP versions less than 1.1 unless it is explicitly
   signaled. See section 19.6.2 for more information on backward
   compatibility with HTTP/1.0 clients.

... and one could argue that it's explicitly signalled by the Content- Length header in the response.

8.1.3 says

   A proxy server MUST NOT establish a HTTP/1.1 persistent connection
   with an HTTP/1.0 client (but see RFC 2068 [33] for information and
discussion of the problems with the Keep-Alive header implemented by
   many HTTP/1.0 clients).

I'm actually more interested in this in the gateway case, but point taken.

However, since this is a spec interpretation issue, I might take it
up with the folks over at HTTP-WG.

You are welcome.

But I don't really see much value to stir up discussions around HTTP/1.0
persistent connections, they work the ways they do and can not be
changed, only documented (was a dead end).

If you haven't seen Roy's... colourful response on HTTP-WG along these lines, I'll forward. :)

The most significant blank spot is how HTTP/1.0 proxies knowing about
persistent connections should react to HTTP/1.1 clients not explicitly
signaling persistent connections. Here we choose take the safe path and
assumes the client doesn't know about HTTP/1.0 persistent connections
and close the connection.

Unfortunately I have no idea where to find that Netscape document today
after all their restructuring. Maybe in the Internet Archive?

I'll look for it.

Just thinking aloud -- the obvious solution to this is to make Squid HTTP/1.1. Of course, that's a lot of work, but I wonder if it would be more manageable by going 1.1 on just the client side at first, while remaining 1.0 on the server side, to avoid chunked responses.

Yes, I realise that's pretty sick.


Mark Nottingham

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