tis 2006-09-26 klockan 08:58 -0400 skrev John Cammarata:
> I have two questions that I didn't see in the FAQ and am hoping some
> one can provide assistance:
> 1.) Does Squid support duplicate request detection? 


> Will squid proxy this second request for
> resourceZ to the back-end server or serve the response from the cache
> as the response is received for clientA?

Depends a bit on the collapsed_forwarding directive. Default is to only
join requests after the response headers have been received and it's
known the response can be cached. With collapsed_forwarding requests is
optimistically joined even if it's not yet known the response will be

> 2.) What is the maximum cached response size that Squid can handle or
> is there not a hard limit?

Configurable. maximum_object_size


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