
Squid version: 2.5 Stable 5.
O/S: Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 3 (Taroon)

I'm struggling to find a method to run a local benchmark of Squid
using Apache Benchmark without getting forwarding errors, I think it's
because the test is local, it detects it's own hostname in the Via

The reason I wanting to test locally is to discover results when
bypassing limitations of 100MB Ethernet.

I have tried to forge the 'Via' header, but it doesn't appear to make
any differences.

The test I'm running locally is .

./ab -v 5 -H "Via: notme.domain.net" -c 1 -t 120

ab = Apache Benchmark.

-v  = Verbose lvl 5

-H Header

-c = Number of multiple requests to make

-t = Amount of time to run test

Anyone had any success in running local benchmark against Squid I
would love to hear.

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