* On 05/11/06 22:36 +0100, Thomas-Martin Seck wrote:
| * Henrik Nordstrom ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
| > sön 2006-11-05 klockan 15:17 +0100 skrev Thomas-Martin Seck:
| > > 
| > > > Finally 2.6STABLE4 made it to FreeBSD (6.x) ports. I made an attempt at 
| > > > using Squid with COSS cache.
| > > 
| > > I'd like to add that this is STABLE4 plus most changesets up to and 
| > > changeset 11066 so what's available via FreeBSD ports at this time is 
more a
| > > not-quite-STABLE5 than a vanilla STABLE4.
| > 
| > Please try to be restrictive with adding changesets to the ports
| > distribution. The policy defined earlier for 2.5 still applies to 2.6.
| > <url:http://www.squid-cache.org/Versions/v2/2.5/bugs/>.
| I am. I restrict myself to changes that address
| a) security issues
| b) problems that cause Squid to abort which I can verify via Squid
|    bugzilla
| I definitely try to leave out the bleeding edge code changes, rest
| assured. Since 2.6 is not yet the default Squid port, I do include
| changes that address e.g. known issues in optional components like COSS
| more liberally because I do not want my users to stay out in the cold
| when they try to test these components and let them run into already
| known issues.
| I hope this is OK with you.

This is also okay with the many of us who are using the port. For those
using 2.5STABLE14, then I believe Henrik's policy has always applied.



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