fre 2006-11-17 klockan 10:39 +0100 skrev Sébastien GASPARI:
> Henrik Nordstrom a écrit :
> > fre 2006-11-17 klockan 10:27 +0100 skrev Sébastien GASPARI:
> >   
> >>   
> >> Squid Cache: Version 2.4.STABLE6, do you think it's something not taking 
> >> in charge in this version of squid ?
> >>     
> >
> > Should work, assuming there is no other proxies involved in the request
> > chain.

> only for you, it's 2.4.6, and not 2.6, is it always ok normally ?

Sorry, obviously misread your earlier answer. The site won't work with
2.4.6. Only Squid-2.6 or later has the workarounds needed to accept the
deviations from the HTTP protocol required for forwarding "Microsoft
Integrated Login" authentication.


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