sorry for asking again. but it don't work the authenticators are dieing
every time.
The file /dev/null exist and you can use it as user squid too.
What did I make wrong.

On which way do squid communicate with his authentication child's ??

Harald Falk schrieb:
On both systems they owned by root (owner&group) an got mode 20666.
This file don't be modified from the original installation of SuSE.

Mark Elsen schrieb:

Please can someone help me with my problem with SQUID 2.5.STABLE12 and using
squid_ldapauth as authenticator.

The configuration-file for squid is really simple and I've got from one
an old system thats running under SQUID 2.5.STABLE1.


- Make sure /dev/null exists and has standard OS protection mode(s)



Harald Falk


Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards
Döllken-Weimar GmbH
- Profile für den Fachmann - / - Profiles for Professionals -

Harald Falk

Phone: +49-3643-417017
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