* On 15/12/06 17:41 -0800, pujo mulyono wrote:
| if you under linux, you can do these step with only few seconds downtime
| (depends on your squid.conf) :
| 1. ./configure
| 2. make
| 3. shutdown squid (squid -k shutdown)
| 4. make install
| 5. start squid  (squid -D)
| there is no need to change any configuration file.
| hope this can help you
| --- "Agrawal, Devendra (Indust, PTL)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| >  
| > Hi,
| > 
| > I am looking for instructions to upgrade squid Version 2.5.STABLE8 to
| > squid-2.5.STABLE12. Does it has to be a fresh install of new version or
| > it is possible to keep the current configuration (like squid.conf and
| > other configuration files) intact even after installing the new version?

If you run FreeBSD, you can do this cleanly with portupgrade utility. 
cd /usr/ports/sysutils/portupgrade && make install clean


portupgrade squid

Make sure you watch what is happening, as there is, in most cases, a 
message passed to you when the upgrade installation completes!

Also, always read squid.conf.default and see if some config options have 
changed which require you to edit your current squid.conf.




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