lör 2007-01-06 klockan 04:44 -0800 skrev zulkarnain:

> How to configure proxy to route return traffic via
> firewall? I try rules "iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING
> -i eth0 -s ! -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT
> --to" but won't work correctly. any
> help would be great. Thanks.

It's done by routing, not NAT.

route del your.network/mask
route add ip.of.router dev eth0
route add your.network/mask via ip.of.router

but I recommend you to move the proxy to a "dmz" network managed by the

LAN -> firewall -> Internet
          | DMZ network
          +---> proxy
          +---> protected web server (if you have one)
          +---> other protected servers (if you have)


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