Andrew Pounce wrote:

 I have a website which uses squid as an accelerator that serves content
as a series of numbers such as  /12345/12345/12345/12345 which can be
images, html or pretty much anything else.

 Some of the html varies depending on status of the user session ( are
they authenticated etc )

If the user is authenticated, the server is likely sending out a "Cache-Control: private" header.

 I want to :-

 Cache ALL images.
 not cache ALL html.

 now I my understanding of things I can check the mime type with acl's
and cache allow/cache deny :-

acl imagesmime rep_mime_type image/jpeg
acl imagesmime1 rep_mime_type -i image/jpeg
cache allow imagesmime
cache allow imagesmime1
cache deny all

I keep seeing TCP_MISS's for images dispite this, the mime type
image/jpeg ( according to the access.log ) so I don't understand whats
going on - am I missing something obvious?

Hard to say. Use something like Firefox's Live HTTP Headers extension ( to get a better idea what is going on. Using an external header viewer is not going to help for authenticated content.

This is with Version 2.6.STABLE1 and Version 2.6.STABLE2

Thanks in advance.



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