
I am working in the process of patching ICAP for different squid versions and testing the same with icap option enabled.

I had patched Squid-2.5.STABLE-13 source with the ICAP patch found from http://devel.squid-cache.org/cgi-bin/diff2/nt-2_5.patch?s2_5. I had built
the squid after  running "bootstrap.sh" from the squid source directory

ICAP Server used : Python Based icap-server-1.2.1 found from http://sourceforge.net

ICAP option is enabled in squid.

Using this setup, i am able to access the web pages most of the times. But sometimes, I am facing, "ICAP Protocol Error".

This error occurs because Squid is sending null-body in its Encapsulated header. [ Ex: Encapsulated: req-hdr=0, res-hdr=465, null-body=649'].

Why does this inconsistency happens?  Please advice me.


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