DAnsGuardian is on 8080 and that's closed to all but my lan. I do have
5801 and 5901 open for remote desktop, but I doubt that's a problem.
Is there a way to misconfigure apache2 to enable open proxy?

On Sat, 2007-02-24 at 09:21 +0100, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
> lör 2007-02-24 klockan 08:28 +0100 skrev Henrik Nordstrom:
> > To diagnose after you have made changes somehow stopping the abuse then
> > checking all logs in detail is the only available, or maybe tcpdump
> > looking for users still trying to access the service and from that
> > derive how they gained access in the first place..
> One educated guess: Maybe the port dansguardian is listening on is
> accessible from the outside.
> Regards
> Henrik

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