Quoting Chris Nighswonger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On 3/8/07, Adrian Chadd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
You can try the Squid-2 snapshots which include the below patch.

Here is what I have done:

1. My current install is via yum (rpm).

2. I have configured with the same options returned from a '#squid -v'
and done a 'make'

3. I have backup my current squid.conf

Here is the question:

Do I do a 'make install,' then replace the new 'squid.conf' with my
original, and start squid back up? (This is a production box and I
really don't want to bust it.)


If it was me I would do a cp on my current squid directory, then when installing do a ./configure --someother directory. For example: if squid is installed in /var/squid you could install the new version in /usr/local/squid. Doing a ./configure --help will give you the exact options. Then after installing you can either edit the new squid.conf to suit, stop your old squid and start new squid with a ./squid -z to build the cache directorys and then do a ./squid. If everything goes south, then you can go back to your old version and figure out why the new one didnt work.


Dwayne Hottinger
Network Administrator
Harrisonburg City Public Schools

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