
Chris Nighswonger wrote:
On 3/18/07, Matthew Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have a number of squid boxes using this setup at a number of sites - I
have only found two sites that are behaving in this way.

It does not sound like an issue with Squid. I run 2.6STABLE9 on FC6
with ntlm and no problem. It sounds more like a problem between Samba
and the DC.

Just a sanity check here: Does the trust still exist between these two
squid boxes and the nt domain? 'wbinfo -t' Are you still able to grab
a list of users with 'wbinfo' or 'net user' on these two boxes?

Yep, the trust is still up and I can use wbinfo to auth users. One of the first things I looked at was the connection to the AD. I'll check again to be sure that the behaviour is identical in 2.6 as it was in 2.5. Also, I now have 3 sites reporting the problem :)

My knowledge of Squid's logging abilties is limited, however, maybe
someone else could suggest where to look for log entries for the ntlm
helper. I suspect cache.log, but you may have to enable a certain
level of logging to see.

If you pass -d <number> to the arguments of the ntlm client in your squid.conf then it will get the ntlm helper to log errors that are visible in the cache.log. So far I have not found a correlation between the errors it can throw, and this.


Matt Smith

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