> Hello,
> I have been following this thread but never saw a resolution, has
> anybody found
> a fix for this error? Is it an update to the latest squid or was it a
> on Apples side? I have been searching for an answer but have not found one.
> I am using: Squid Cache: Version 2.5.STABLE11
> Here is the error:
> 007-03-19 11:17:33.011 Software Update[186]
> loader:didFailWithError:NSError "XML parser error:
> Encountered unexpected EOF
> Old-style plist parser error:
> Malformed data byte group at line 1; invalid hex
> " Domain=SUCatalogLoader Code=0 UserInfo={
>     NSLocalizedDescription = "XML parser error:\n\tEncountered
> unexpected EOF\nOld-style plist parser error:\n\tMalformed data byte
> group at line 1; invalid hex\n";
>     NSURL = http://swscan.apple.com/content/catalogs/index-1.sucatalog;
> }
> Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated,
> Jon
Ive been in contact with apple tech support and have heard from quite
a few others that are having the same issue.  Apple has been no help.
Im sending them my access.log file from my proxy tommorrow showing an
imac trying to do software updates.   This is a problem that just
started around the first part of the year.  Im sure apple made some
change on their end, but I'll never get out of them what.  I sent
quite a bit of info to the list, but never recieved a reply.  Apple
says "the reason the software updates are not working is because the
catalog isnt finishing downloading". Duh, Why isnt it finishing.  Part
of the catalog loads fine.  I keep hoping someone more knowledgeable
then me will come up with a solution.

Dwayne Hottinger
Network Administrator
Harrisonburg City Public Schools

Thanks for the update Dwayne, can you keep us posted as to what you find out
from sending Apple your logs? The only way I have been able to get around this
is to go around my squid box.

Is everyone having this problem or are some people able to successfully update
and if so, what version of squid and Mac OS are you using?

Thanks again for any help,


Apple OS 10.3.x macs update fine. Windows users using quicktime 7 with the apple softwareupdate work fine. Its only 10.4 macs that cant update. My error message is identical to yours. Ive tried several things on my firewall to preroute traffic destined for apple.com but havent had any success. Users can still go to apples website and download updates manually. If I take a computer and physically bypass my proxy by putting it on my DMZ with a public ip it updates. Then if I take same computer and put it back on my 10. network, updates work at least for a while. Im running squid 2.5 stable 14. Another list poster updated to the latest version of squid and had the same problem. Im positive it is something the proxy is doing with the catalog files, but not sure what. They are gzip files so it shouldnt be that big a deal. You can take the url that is in that error message and copy/paste it in a browser and watch the info come down. Works better on Windows than apple though. I can see the initial connections being made to swscan.apple.com also, then nothing. I have apple.com set to always direct in my squid.conf.


Dwayne Hottinger
Network Administrator
Harrisonburg City Public Schools

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