Overloading the refresh_pattern directive got the page to cache. Apparently zope doesn't really provide a decent enough set of headers out of the box. We'll have to come up with an acceptable set of refresh_pattern directives for people using just plain zope (as compared to zope with plone and CacheFu).

On Mar 29, 2007, at 2:34 PM, Pablo GarcĂ­a wrote:

You can play with the no_cache and "refresh_pattern" directives, to
force squid to cache even without those headers.

Regards, Pablo

On 3/29/07, Edward Muller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It's just a test site on a test server. It's not a real setup yet.

So, if squid doesn't see Cache-Control, Last Modified, & Expires
headers it won't assume some defaults? And won't cache the content?

And yes, we do use ntp, but apparently it's been blocked by the new
firewalls. That's been fixed. - Thanks

On Mar 29, 2007, at 7:57 AM, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:

> tor 2007-03-29 klockan 00:00 -0500 skrev Edward Muller:
>> We are setting up a squid/zope setup for testing.
>> But we can't get squid to cache pages.
>> everything returns with a TCP_MISS
>> here are some excerpts from the logs:
>> ==> /var/log/squid/access.log <==
>> 1175142751.362     13 TCP_MISS/200 3367 GET http://
>> new.josmc.org/ - DEFAULT_PARENT/ text/html
>> ==> /var/log/squid/store.log <==
>> 1175142751.362 RELEASE -1 FFFFFFFF 856850571D92AC3E0C3165EAD4CA77F2
>> 200 1175142751        -1        -1 text/html 3052/3052 GET http://
>> new.josmc.org/
> Well... not exactly a cache friendly site or even well maintained
> server..  (NTP is a good thing..)
> http://www.ircache.net/cgi-bin/cacheability.py?query=http%3A%2F%
> 2Fnew.josmc.org%2F&descend=on
> Regards
> Henrik

Edward Muller
Interlix, LLC

Zope, Plone & Zimbra Hosting

phone: +1.417.862.0573
fax: +1.770.818.5437

Edward Muller
Interlix, LLC

Zope, Plone & Zimbra Hosting

phone: +1.417.862.0573
fax: +1.770.818.5437

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