On Thu, 2007-04-05 at 18:36 +0200, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
> tor 2007-04-05 klockan 10:43 +0100 skrev Joao Ferreira:
> Do you need to know the PIDs?

no. I really dont.    :-)

> You can signal applications by name using
> pkill

I learn a bit every day. That's why I love mailing lists. Thank you.

I'm also considering "killall -s USR2 myProgram".


> > Would it work to send a signal to Squid and squid would propagate it to
> > my helpers... this could have 'negative consequences'
> That won't work. Squid does not forward signals, and most signals have
> defined meansings in Squid.
> Regards
> Henrik

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