Hi all,

I'm brand new to squid. Up until now I've been using apache mod_proxy
with a very simple config:

ProxyRequests On
<Proxy *>
   Order deny,allow
   Deny from all
   Allow from 10

Today I found out I can no longer use mod_proxy because YUM uses
byteranges and apache doesn't support that. I have read over the squid
config file (wow) and I have a couple of questions:

1. Does squid handle byterange requests?

2. squid seems over the top for what I need, I'm looking for something
that does not cache and just allows traffic from my 10.x network to
redhat network. Is there something else out there I should be looking

3. Could anyone provide me with a config that doesn't cache anything
and just works as a proxy between clients on a 10.x network to rhn?

ok, that was more then a couple of questions. I apprecite any help you
guys can give me.

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