tis 2007-04-17 klockan 10:17 +0200 skrev Paul clayton:

> I recently upgrade Squid from 2.5 Stable 14 to 2.6 Stable 12 to try and
> resolve an issue I have when using docs.google.com. It seems that when
> ever a document is accessed via Squid, the page stalls and times out.
> However bypass squid, and the data is received by the browser.

Any more details on how to reproduce this?

Any hints in access.log?

Hint: set "half_closed_clients off" and then check if there is any log
entries just when you close the browser after it has stalled. If there
was something holding back these usually shows up then..

Tried logging in to docs.google.com, created a small document, saved,
browser it, etc. No timeouts anywhere.

Squid-2.HEAD (should behave the same as 2.6 in this..)

Firefox on Linux


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