tis 2007-04-17 klockan 21:52 +1000 skrev Edward C. Jakosalem:

> I actully just need squid to act as transparent proxy so I can log
> traffic.

Then you must let it do so. This requires having the traffic redirected
to the proxy. Using a mirror port will not do the job as it only echoes
the traffic in a way suitable to be analysed by a packet monitor, not in
a way that a proxy can act on the traffic.

> I don't care how squid will do this, I just need the logs. And
> the reason why we use the mirrored port is that we don't want browsing
> affected in case this server goes down.

Sounds like WCCP could be an option for you. This makes the router
automatically bypass the proxy when down.

> We specifically need the Squid log format that's why we want to make this
> work with squid. My boss doesn't want it any other way. :-(

Log formats can be transformed with little or no effort, it's just text.
The tricky part is getting the right information at the right place, not
the log format.


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