ons 2007-04-18 klockan 00:00 +1000 skrev Edward C. Jakosalem:

> I already did and told him that. I actually have a program called _packit_
> up and running. I also found some other useful ones as well. But
> management said Squid can do it and if I can't make it to work, they will
> seek help from someone who knows how to. Hey, what's a lowly employee like
> me to do? :-(

Then set it up as a transparent proxy. 

1. Configure it as a proxy, and test that by configuring your browser.

2. Set up route-maps in the router, routing port 80 traffic to the
proxy. See FAQ for configuration details on all involved components
(router, OS, Squid).

3. Look into WCCP. Builds on the above..


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