ons 2007-04-18 klockan 12:25 +0100 skrev Mark Barlow:

> I am using the squidguard blacklists with my squid server.  However when I
> try to use the porn blacklists which have in excess of 600,000 entries the
> proxy keels over.  I am using a dstdom_regex –i ACL to use the list, but
> when I try to add it in squid crashes.  I have 3GB of physical memory in the
> box yet it still doesn’t seem to cope.

Most of the list should go into a dstdomain acl. Only regex patterns
should go into a dstdom_regex or url_regex depending on their

> The list is a domain list only without host name, so as I understand it I
> can’t use a dstdomain ACL.

You can. .some.domain (note: leading dot) matches a complete domain.
www.some.domain matches just www.some.domain.


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