On Wed, May 09, 2007, Emilio Casbas wrote:

> The new web looks very good and clean.
> Have you think in the possibility of a new section such as "News" or
> "Blog" speaking about the latest squid related news?.

I've thought about it! But I'm doing this in my spare time; and
there's not much "spare"..

> http://new.squid-cache.org/
> The "Security Advisories" link is not working

Yup, i'm aware that /Advisories/ isn't working at the moment.
Thanks for the feedback though!

I'll take everyone's suggestions under consideration and try to fix
the last niggling buglets during the weekend. Hopefully it'll be ready
to put public on Monday.

(And if you feel like writing some News articles, or you do Squid stuff
and would like a Blog then please let me know and we'll sort something


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