
I am successfully using Squid 2.6STABLE12 as a reverse proxy to
several backend servers.  Each backend web server is defined similar
to this:

cache_peer x.x.x.x parent 80 0 no-query originserver
monitorurl=/squidcheck.php monitorinterval=15 round-robin login=PASS
name=webX no-digest

With round-robin load balancing sometimes a peer gets busier than
others and takes longer to service queries, but Squid continues to
give it the same number of connections.  For instance right now I'm
checking the Peer Cache Statistics and my connections are at

Browsing through squid.conf.default it would appear my only other
option is "sourcehash" which would suffer from the same problems.

Is there any way to balance based on least connections, or something else?



Sean Walberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    http://ertw.com/

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