Okay, this is strange.

I have a squid 2.6.STABLE12 instance running on 32-bit Linux in web
accelerator setup.

Squid conf:

# delay pools
delay_pools 1
delay_class 1 3
# allow a maximum of 200 mebibits (25 mebibytes per second) in
# aggregate...

delay_parameters 1  26214400/26214400 xxx/xxx xxx/xxx
delay_initial_bucket_level 50
delay_access 1 allow all

(I have changed xxx/xxx because this configuration is somewhat sensitive)

With this configuration, I see that _inbound_ traffic (from my webservers,
to the proxy) is throttled at 200 mebibits, but _outbound_ traffic (to
the Internet from the proxy) is not throttled at all.

Shouldn't delay pools affect the connection between the proxy and the
Internet when Squid is in web accelerator mode?

Justin Dossey
Operations, podOmatic
(415) 975-9981

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