Hi Guys!

I'm writing down this email because i tried several times perform an
specific task with squid and i still not able to reach my aim.
I have a computer runing NTLM, another proxy with Micro$oft
authentication, i put a Squid behind this proxy and i cannot connect
to any internet web pages, i still recieving Time out message from any
web page that i'm trying to open. The only thing that i receive
besides this error message is the IP address for the page requested.

I got from some how-to a rule called cache-per and i set the followings option:

cache_peer xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx parent 3128 0 default no-query (I seted the
3128 port in the NTLM as well)

Also i tried with

cache_peer xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx sibling 3128 0 default no-query

and i received the same error.

Could you help in order to resolve this problem??? I don't know what
to do about it.

I will appreciate all your help.

Lucas Coudures

Registered Linux User #442566
Blog: http://lucas-coudures.blogspot.com/

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