* On 23/05/07 12:03 +0300, Mahesh Govindappa wrote:
| Hello Everyone
| I have a requirement to create a Custom ACL where each user need to be
| allowed for only specified amount of data everyday for eg. 50 MB
| perday.
| or else
| User need to allowed to browse only for specified amount of time when
| ever he is free(time is not fixed, he is allowed throughout the day
| but only for specified amount of time) 30 mins (anytime) with in day.
| I had tried to create one executable which reads a logs (including
| size and time) and sum up the size and validate.
| but is not working.
| can i expect any help from squid developers?
| -- 
| Best regards,
| Mahesh.G

Please read the posts on the list yesterday. There was an almost similar 
requirement, which answers I believe will apply to you as well.



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The trouble with a kitten is that
When it grows up, it's always a cat
                -- Ogden Nash.

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